
To the Moon and Back: Space Animal Enamel Pins


Oversized enamel pin tributes to Laika, Felicette, & more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

SURVEYS SENT! check your email!
4 days ago – Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 12:59:16 PM

AT LAST!! surveys have finally been sent out, so be sure to keep an eye on your email! you'll have until the end of april to complete your surveys.

cards will be charged at the end of every week
, so please keep this in mind when filling out your surveys! 🌠

pin production won't begin until my manufacturer finishes our other recent large pin order, but manufacturing for other add on items should begin shortly! ill post updates as I get them πŸ’™

thank you all so much, as always, for the support! have a great weekend!

almost ready for surveys! + updated pin banner samples!
6 days ago – Thu, Mar 06, 2025 at 12:18:33 AM

hey all! just letting you know that I'm almost done setting up surveys -- i just need to wrap up customs info, which always takes the longest πŸ˜… but we're soooo close to being ready! just as few more days, i promise 🀞

meanwhile, we got an updated photo of the ~ new and improved ~ hanging pin banners! take a look:

this is the linen version...

and this is the canvas version!

unfortunately, my manufacturer doesn't have smaller gold grommets, so four is the most we're going to have it looks like :( but these both look so much more durable than the woven ones! i think linen will be the way to go, but I'll take a look at both in person to double check. and the shorter tassels are also definitely an improvement! I may swap them out with my own still, though... EITHER WAY, i hope you guys love them!

(they have double sided printing now, too!)

if you guys have any questions, just let me know! have a great rest of your week! πŸ₯°

last day to fix payments + updates on shipping!
13 days ago – Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 04:40:02 PM

hey guys! today is the LAST DAY to automatically fix failed payments with backerkit -- you can still do so manually when you receive your survey, however! surveys should be going out i BELIEVE around the middle of next week, so keep an eye out!

additionally, i wanted to give everyone an update on how rewards are going to ship for this project. as i've mentioned in previous updates, i've had to move up to canada during the course of the campaign, which is obviously going to affect how shipping is gonna work for some of you!

long story short, on your guys' end, the only thing that's changing is the cost of shipping. for US backers, shipping is slightly higher (think $6 instead of $5 for a single pin), not including the potential cost of tariffs impacting incoming shipments to the US. that's still as big a question mark for me as it is for you, so we're gonna face it together!

for canadian backers & for many international backers, the cost of shipping going to go down.

i was pretty worried when first looking into shipping options, but i was able to find a fulfillment service in canada where even if you got one of everything offered in the campaign, shipping to the US should still only be around $9 USD or so. which is a huge relief!

when you're filling out your surveys, if you see a shipping price that doesn't look quite right to you, just let me know!

that's all i've got for you guys for now -- my manufacturer is busy with another large enamel pin order from me right now, so pin production will begin once they're all done with that batch!

new pin banner samples coming + 2 days to fix payments!
15 days ago – Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 07:03:39 PM

hey ya'll! two things:

one, I got the date wrong initially -- you actually have until the 27th, not the 25th, to fix errored pledge payments! most of you have taken care of that already (thank you!), but there's still a few stragglers!

two, I got the pin banner sample in and it was, unfortunately, way too thin! i & a few of you all suspected this from the initial photo, but I wanted to withhold judgement until I saw it in person.

so, we're getting two more made with a different material to try and find a better fit! those should be in sometime in the next week!

I'm hoping to get surveys out this week, too; ive been really busy trying to find a job now that I've moved, so thats been taking up a huge chunk of my time! but i had two interviews today so fingers crossed 🀞

hope youre having a great start to your week, everyone! πŸ–€

pin banner sample photo!
24 days ago – Sun, Feb 16, 2025 at 08:30:43 AM

we've got a photo from our manufacturer of the sample for the pin banner! they'll be shipping it to me as well, but here's what they sent to me this morning...

I love the gold hardware on top and the size looks great! Depending on how it looks in person, I may ask for some smaller grommets and shorter tassels (so we can fit maybe one more on bottom) but im reserving judgement until I see it in person :) I'm so glad they were able to get the sample done so fast!

Also, be sure to check with your bank and make sure your pledge for the campaign went through correctly! We have a few errored pledges showing up on my end, and I believe you have until the 25th to correct them 🌠

Have a great rest of your weekend, everyone!