
To the Moon and Back: Space Animal Enamel Pins


Oversized enamel pin tributes to Laika, Felicette, & more!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

25 days ago – Sat, Feb 15, 2025 at 11:02:10 AM

i didn't wanna crowd everyone's inboxes so soon after the campaign ended, so here we are -- a big ol whopping THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone who supported the campaign! πŸ’« it was an amazing experience getting to participate in pintopia for the first time & im so grateful that I got to do this all with you. πŸ’›


over the next two weeks, pledge amounts will be collected by backerkit & transfered over to me! once that's all done, surveys will begin to be sent out in order to collect shipping information & any other add-ons you might like.

now, shipping might be a little squirrelly -- i can now officially say that ive moved from the US up to Canada during the course of this campaign, which obviously means that shipping prices would be wildly different for US & Canadian customers. Im currently workshopping a solution that would only raise the cost of shipping for US customers by a small amount (& would lower the cost for Canadian customers), but I'll have to test it out first and see if it works! If not, I'll eat the cost of shipping regardless since you all agreed to support the campaign based on US shipping rates.

l'lI have a chat with backerkit too and see what they recommend! For now, we can relax for these next few weeks while funds transfer over, and I'll have more to share in the near future!

thank you all again for your trust & support, & im so excited to get started on making these pins for you πŸ₯Ί

27 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 07:54:47 AM

it's down to the wire, ya'll! now's your last chance to snag your pins during the campaign, which is your last chance to get multiple pins at a huge discount AND to get all the freebie rewards that come with backing during the campaign period!

we have overtime mode enabled, too, which means that every person who backs within the last 10 minutes of the campaign being active extends the campaign time by another 10 minutes!

AND, don't forget to check out our cross-collab partner, ASTROANIMALS, if you want to grab our exclusive cross collab rewards!!


DAWN OF THE FINAL DAY... 27 hours remain! πŸš€
28 days ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 10:33:29 AM

wow!! you guys blew me out of the water yesterday and unlocked our final bonus pin slot in under an hour -- everyone loves miss baker! πŸ’› with seven total unlocked designs now, you'll all have plenty of options to pick from on your pledge manager survey.

as we near the end of the campaign, there's a few things i wanted to share:

- ALL INCLUSIVE PIN PIERS do include the bonus seventh design, without adding to the price! (i just cant edit the total included items at this point in time; theyll be added in after the campaign is over!) so if you wanna get a great deal on all of the unlocked pins, upgrading to one of the bulk pin tiers is a great idea.

(this will not include any pins that end up being unlocked later on during the preorder phase.)

- our preorder store should be up within a few days of the campaign ending! I may add in the ham pin design as an unlockable 8th pin if enough people order his pin specifically, but we'll see!

- pledge surveys will be sent out in around two weeks. this is when you'll pay for shipping & any additional add ons you might like, so keep an eye out!

- ive sent in for a sample of the hanging pin banner! this is a totally new product for me so im excited to see how it'll turn out. fingers crossed we get it right the first time! 🀞

that's all for now! have a great rest of your week, everyone -- and see you on the other side! 🌌

PIN BANNERS UNLOCKED! last 2 DAYS to pledge!
29 days ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 02:36:33 PM

hey there everyone! I'm sure you all already got the automatic email letting you know we have 48 hours left in the campaign -- I wanted to also share with you all that we managed to unlock PIN BANNERS as an add-on!

I'm SO excited that we were able to unlock these -- you can add them to your pledge via the add-ons section, or you can add them later during your pledge manager survey!

Ive had some requests to share all the designs we've unlocked so far in one post, so here we are:

This is our initial set of 6 total designs! However, I know you all have been asking for one last unlockable design...

So, heres the deal: if we can get to $8000, I'll add in one last design for a total of 7!Β 

In the time I spent adding in the pin banners & postcards to the add-on store, we jumped up to 7.8k?? So I definitely think we can get this one last goal unlocked!

Lets make this a strong finish, everyone! Just two more days to go πŸ’«

EDIT: within less than an hour we've successfully funded the last pin design 😭😭 THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!

I wont be holding a poll for our last unlocked design, since it's been pretty obvious who you guys want unlocked! Our final seventh pin design will be...

Miss Baker!! πŸŒπŸ’›

4 days left & 2 more stretch goals to unlock 🌌
about 1 month ago – Sun, Feb 09, 2025 at 08:41:30 AM

happy sunday, everyone! we officially have just 4 days left of the campaign and we still have 2 goals to unlock if we can!

the pin banner at $7500...

& a new pin slot, as voted by you guys, at $8000!

i truly believe we can get there, but even if we can't, don't worry! we'll still be able to unlock these items in the preorder store too :)

hope everyone's been having a great february so far! πŸ’«